
African Rungu Massage - this unique massage is administered with the help of a rungu, a wooden club or baton bearing special symbolism and significance in certain East African tribal cultures. Rungu Massage promotes circulation, sensory nerve perception and lymph drainage as well as a deep sense of relaxation and well being. The gentle stretching movement alternated with light touches brings about a heightened sense of relaxation. Rungu massage is a deeply relaxing experience.

Calabash Massage - the calabash massage is ideal for clients who request a medium to soft pressure massage and is perfect for clients who would usually request a Swedish or Aromatherapy massage treatment.

Hawaiian Massage - the massage works by stimulating the natural flow of energy within the body in order to bring about changes in the physical, emotional and spiritual areas. Stress and tension is released so that energy can flow freely once more. It is also deeply relaxing and rejuvenating. Hawaiian massage is good for detoxification and waste removal, improving the immune system, stimulating lymphatic, circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems, releasing muscle tension, improving flexibility and muscle tone.

Swedish Massage - the massage is provided through a variety of techniques specifically designed to relax muscles by applying pressure to them against deeper muscles and bones, and rubbing in the same direction as the flow of blood returning to the heart. It increases the oxygen flow in the blood and releases toxins from the muscles.

Aromatherapy Massage - is the alternative therapeutic technique which combines the natural therapeutic properties of the essential oils and the healing power of massage therapy. Aromatherapy massage not only has powerful physical, emotional and mental effects but it is also described as a great relaxing and rejuvenating experience. A pleasant method for mental clarity, relaxation, stress and headache alleviation.

Indian Head Massage - the art of Indian Head Massage is an Ayurvedic form of healing and relaxation to combat daily tension and stress. The massage technique addresses the back, neck, scalp and face using a variety of massage pressures and techniques and is one of the most relaxing types of massages you will ever experience.

Hot-Stone Massage - a style of massage therapy in which water-treated stones are placed at specific sites on the body to promote relaxation and to help open up the meridians (energy pathways). Muscles are pretreated with the heated stones to allow the therapist to more easily perform deep tissue manipulations. Massage oils are incorporated into the massage treatment.